February is one of the busiest months for yearbook production and deadlines. It is also a great time to run an index as a sales and coverage tool.
SALES: Compare the index to your student list and determine which students are in the book, but have not purchased one yet. Then market specifically to those people (and their parents).
COVERAGE: On the same note, if they have purchased a book already, make sure they are in the book at least once. Then work to get everyone in at least three times. Create a list of students who haven’t been covered and then find a way to get them in. Don’t forget to use the index to reinforce your theme, additional stories, and include more people!

Spread courtesy of Rouse High School, Leander, Texas.
Click to see the entire Rouse High School spread. Note the mini-index for each section and how color and boldface type is used to indicate classes and clubs. Additionally, the index letters feature students and include a theme-related package across the bottom of each index spread.