It’s the biggest complaint of non-buyers. “Why should I buy? I’m not in the yearbook.” It’s your job to SHOW them they are included so they will WANT to buy. Here’s how you can expertly share yearbook photos.
Stratford High School in Houston uses sticky notes (see above image) attached to order forms and delivers them to students in elective classes. They’ve sold more books this way, since students realize they are in it.
Don’t want to create your own sticky notes? Balfour offers “Hey, You’re in the Yearbook!” sticky note pads. Order at
Give students enough details and enticement to want to see more! Grand Saline High School in Texas posts yearbook pictures on bulletin boards in hallways. Students can search for themselves and their friends.
Selfies are maintaining popularity. Centralia High School in Illinois captures the trend by using Instagram for a chance to be featured in the yearbook.
Appeal to their vanity like Pascagoula Highs School in Mississippi. Hey, you never know who will be the next Taylor Swift, Channing Tatum or Katy Perry!
Yearbook editors at Clark High School in San Antonio, Texas, promise that yearbook pics won’t look as bad as their favorite celebrities’ photos.