Being organized can make a huge difference with staying on deadline and keeping your sanity. Keep track of important documents and info by posting items around the room or filing in a binder.
Essentials to collect:
- Student directory with names, grades and ID numbers
- The master schedule with teachers’ rooms, classes and conference periods
- Club list with sponsor room numbers & contact information
- Sports’ team schedules, rosters & coaches’ contact information
- Yearbook deadlines & scheduled workdays
- Yearbook rep, Account Executive & Tech help phone numbers
- Portrait dates & photographer’s contact information
- Staff members’ names, phone numbers & emails
Once this info is gathered, find a permanent, accessible spot to place it. Keep Post-it notes nearby for staff members to write down info without losing the originals or moving the binder. Here’s a handy directory to fill in important numbers and build a contact list for your staff.