The Colophon - Balfour Yearbooks Blog

So, what’s the problem?

Written by Kel Lemons | Jan 13, 2016 3:31:00 PM

Why didn’t you buy a yearbook?

What’s with the non-buyers? Be ready to address their objections. Zig Ziglar says, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no desire, no hurry, no trust.” Be prepared to address each of these issues in a one-on-one follow-up campaign.

No Need: Explain that the yearbook is the only history of the school year, the only available record of people who attended the school and the only complete compilation of scores and players.

No Money: Consider a 20/20 deal. Get a $20 down payment with a commitment to pay another $20 in a couple of weeks and the final $___ on _____ (whatever date you designate). It calls for a little bookkeeping, but breaking up the payments into thirds gives kids who are short on cash an opportunity to get a book.

No Desire: Non-buyers often do not know what they are missing! Place books in the library and guidance office for students to see.

No Hurry: Stress the fact that the yearbook is a limited edition. Once the books are printed and distributed, the only way to get one is to try your luck bidding at Internet auction sites.

No Trust: Spell names correctly. Ask students to verify the way their name is spelled. Record times, dates and stats accurately.

You have to earn students’ trust. Show them that you care enough to do it right.