In December, close the year with a thank you to yearbook staff. After all, they are the reason you have an awesome product to sell. Encourage sales progress with a team party.
Thank the staff
As things slow down before the break, it’s a good time to enjoy yourself and celebrate sales achievements so far. Take time to plan a get-together with yearbook staff.
The best thing about my yearbook advertising is….them, my staff. They put in endless hours coming up with creative promotional ideas and give everything they have to make this yearbook happen and to sell out every year. I adore them more than words can say. They’re the creative driving force behind this growing program and I’m so thankful to have such a diligent and dedicated staff.
– Jennifer Riley, Plainview High School
Hold a White Elephant Gift Exchange
These are comical moments. You never know what someone will bring.
– Stephanie Rothstein, Los Gatos High School
Give awards
Show appreciation at your celebration. Just like you might recognize a staff member for work on the yearbook, reward those who have contributed to creating more yearbook SALES.
I got the Appreciation Award after I finished my first four spreads. It felt good to be recognized for all the work I had done. I knew I was appreciated, but it was nice to actually get an award.
– Christina Briones, writer, Los Gatos High School
Share what you’ve learned so far
Everyone on staff has responsibilities and has learned something from their efforts. Go around the room and share some of your experiences. You might be surprised at the skills you’ve learned that will help you later on.
Experience as a yearbook editor got me my first job, taught me how to lead a group and work as a team, which are skills engineering employers really look for in interns.
– Becca Browder, 2011 graduate, McKinney High School