Sometimes we need to make it a little easier for our yearbook staffers. Visual aids can be the perfect reminders to guide them.
Help the staff by having a list of computer shortcuts. This could include general shortcuts (Cut, Paste and Select All) and software specific ones for InDesign, Photoshop, StudioWorks+® or Encore®. Print them out and place next to the keyboard, tape to the side of the monitor, or consider putting on a mouse pad.
Make your style choices crystal clear by having a visual in the classroom. Use our trusty style poster and fill in the information or create your own and place at computer stations. Include all font decisions (typeface, weight, size and leading) for every type of copy—headlines, secondary headlines, body copy, captions and sidebar/module copy. Add your color choices as well, and any other theme-related decisions. Consider also including a spread checklist so staffers are reminded of every design, story and photo expectation.
The most elaborate option is to have an entire style manual or staff handbook at your students’ disposal. Include anything that would help the staff with the yearbook: photography, writing, connecting to servers, etc. Check out a few example staff manuals on the Balfour Exchange.
We all get tired of answering the same questions over and over. Having visual aids in our classrooms can solve that problem. You can direct students to the printed style sheets or journalism binders. Ultimately, the extra visibility will remind staffers of design decisions and ensure there are less corrections. We all need a few yearbook hacks to make our lives easier.