The Colophon - Balfour Yearbooks Blog

Your go-to social media guide

Written by Kel Lemons | Feb 5, 2015 7:44:00 PM

Tomball Memorial High School’s selfie campaign

It’s now 2016 and there’s absolutely no reason why your yearbook should not be promoted on social media. If you and your staff are super-busy creating the yearbook and don’t have time to brainstorm a campaign, no worries! We’ve created a 13-day social media marketing promotion just for you. Add your own photos, fill in the blanks and post. SNAP. You’re done!

13-Day Social Media Campaign

Day 1
Include a photo from this year’s yearbook.
Oh SNAP! Check out this photo from the (BOOK NAME) Yearbook! Buy your copy at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Day 2
Ask for selfies…only if you think you can fit them in the yearbook
Send us your #selfies. They might make it into the yearbook! Buy the book at (ORDER INFO).

Tomball Memorial High School

Day 3
Take a picture of a teacher/coach with a mustache.
I “mustache” you a question…have you bought your yearbook yet? Get yours now at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Day 4
Post a picture of the Yearbook Staff.
The (BOOK NAME) Yearbook Staff: Capturing a year-long reality show. Don’t miss out on the drama. Order at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Cinco Ranch Junior High yearbook staff

Day 5
Post with image of your yearbook cover.
Yearbook…the original Instagram. Did you buy your copy yet? Order at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Day 6
Post with Balfour’s “No Excuses” video.
There’s no excuse for not ordering a yearbook. (ORDER INFO) #gottagetayearbook

Download the “No Excuses” promotional video from StudioBalfour.

Day 7
Time is running out! Reserve your copy of the 2015 (BOOK NAME) Yearbook by (DATE) to ensure you get your copy! (ORDER INFO)

Day 8
Post an awkward celebrity yearbook photo.
We promise. Your picture won’t look like this celebrity’s yearbook photo. Order today at (ORDER INFO) #gottagetayearbook

Jay Z yearbook photo

Day 9
Post with image of your yearbook cover.
Don’t judge a book by its cover unless it looks like this! Buy your copy today! Order at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Day 10
Post on staff T-shirt day.
Find a yearbook staffer wearing this T-shirt for a chance to win a free yearbook! Order now at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Kingwood Park High School yearbook staff

Day 11
Post a picture of a student who already bought a yearbook.
(STUDENT NAME) is getting his/her yearbook in (MONTH), are you? Reserve your copy before we run out at (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

Day 12
Why did the chicken cross the road? Who cares…buy a yearbook! (ORDER INFO) #gottagetayearbook

Day 13
HIGH FIVES! Find a YB staff member to get yours! Buy your yearbook @ (ORDER INFO). #gottagetayearbook

There you have it: 13 ideas, 13 ways to reach your audience and build your yearbook sales.