The Colophon - Balfour Yearbooks Blog

’21 Jumpstart: Festival Line-Up

Written by Kel Lemons | Apr 15, 2020 3:56:00 PM

We have an incredible day planned for you, with nine, high-impact sessions on design, photography, writing and more. Here’s the line-up.

All session times listed are in Central Daylight Time (CDT) and last 21 minutes. Click on a speaker’s name to learn more about that instructor.

10 a.m. – Wrap the Present | Stephen Williams

The yearbook is a gift that you give to your community. Make it special.

10:30 a.m. – From Stage 1 to Spread Done | Samantha Jo Berry

A blank page is terrifying. What do we cover? Where does it go? What's the big story? Learn tips for helping staffers tackle a spread from Stage 1 with brainstorming strategies, a helpful handout and some tips for how to approach content in a meaningful way. 

11 a.m. – Quick Photoshop Tips | Mark Murray

From straightening a photo to fixing brightness, contrast and color balance, here are some quick tips to improve your photos in Adobe Photoshop.

11:30 a.m. – Read Easy. Write Hard. | Kristi Rathbun

Alternative copy formats make reading easy for your audience, but they still require research and reporting. We’ll take a look at examples from both pros and peers that will inspire both you and your readers. You'll leave with a plan for implementing alternative story formats in your media right away.


12 p.m. – Journalism + Gen Z | Jeni Daley + Gadi Schwartz of NBC News

Can we just say it? Journalism is having a moment. Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic, we're seeing journalism in the spotlight like never before. How does this affect the next generation of journalism professionals? Join us for an honest discussion about Journalism + Gen Z. We're honored to be joined by Gadi Schwartz, NBC correspondent and co-host of NBC's Stay Tuned twice daily newscast you can follow on Snapchat, Instagram and TikTok.


12:30 p.m. – Book Looks. | Gary Lundgren

What's trending for 2021 yearbooks by the associate director of the National Scholastic Press Association.


1 p.m. – The 6 Ps | Emma Shea and Kinley Rex

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. Get a head start on your 2021 publication with the tips and tricks we've learned, and skip the trials and tribulations of starting a new year. 


1:30 p.m. – Eye-Opening Designs | C. Bruce Watterson

Cut through the noise. Stop listening to  "we've never done it that way" and, in the process, start encouraging everyone on staff to help develop a refined graphic strategy, clever copy writing and content inspiring style. Join us for a look at examples of national winners. 


2 p.m. – Writing is Essential. | Bobby Hawthorne

In this surreal moment of social distancing, shelter-in-place and flattening-the-curve, you must ask yourself, “Am I essential? Do I provide an essential service?” To cover this pandemic and the hundreds of ways it has affected every aspect of our lives, we need teams of reporters, writers and editors, working together, to find a way to tell the stories about all that was lost and, maybe even, all that was gained.

Haven’t signed up yet? Register to join us for an incredible day of all things journalism.