The Colophon - Balfour Yearbooks Blog

Who gets a free book? How many should you provide?

Written by Kel Lemons | Apr 19, 2022 12:30:00 PM

Gratis. Free. No cost. When it comes to yearbook distribution, should any books be given away free of charge? We weigh in on the freebie dilemma.

When you plan your exact quantity each year, make sure to include a few extra books in the count. How many depends on your school and budget. Here are suggestions on who may need a free book.

Fort Zumwalt North High School adviser Stacie Wulfert and her principal.

Save a copy for the head administrator and personally deliver it.

Library As the home for books, records and references, your school library should house a copy of the yearbook. Balfour includes a complimentary library copy with each shipment.

Assistant Principals If you’re a small campus, it’s feasible to give a book to one or two APs. For larger schools, consider offering one book to the AP Office and let administrators share it as needed.
Counselors’ Office Counselors like to have a book to put names with faces.
Campus Police Officer Similar to the counselors’ office, a yearbook is helpful for identifying students.
School District/Superintendent Some districts require a copy of the yearbook for district records.

Students in need Evaluate if you can offer free or discounted books for students who can’t afford them. You might also consider a donation system where parents or teachers can purchase a book online (maybe use “FREE BOOK,” “DONATED BOOK” or “YEARBOOK ANGEL” for the first and last name.

CSPA Critique of Foster High School yearbook

Other yearbook staffs It’s common to trade yearbooks with other staffs to find inspiration.
Competitions If you’re planning on submitting your book for critiques or competitions, you’ll need to set a few aside for those submissions.
Deaths If a student passes away during the year, it’s customary to gift a book to the parents.

BE CAREFUL of school board members requesting free books or teachers/coaches expecting one free of charge. Ultimately, you’re running a business and need to stay in the black. You may consider offering a discount, especially to staff members who will be around for numerous years. One final note: Whoever you decide gets a free book, please document it in your student media policy to have a clear and established record.