You’ve finished that final stretch and rocked your final deadline. All the pages have been submitted, and there are a few weeks until distribution and the end of school. What do you do with all of that class time now? Here are a few ideas to keep your staff moving.
1. Take some time to RELAX!
You’ve all worked hard, so you’ve earned some time to unwind. Take a class period or two (or three or four) to just slow down. Pop some popcorn and have a movie day. Turn off the lights and do some yoga moves. Bust out the board games. Take the staff for a walk around the track. Just spend some time NOT yearbooking.2. Make staff T-shirts
Use your theme on yearbook staff T-shirts and start wearing them! These will also be great to wear on distribution day.
3. Award honor cords to graduates
Complete any requirements seniors need in order to earn honor cords for graduation. You can order these cords through Balfour.
4. Get your book ready for competitions
Assign a group of students (did someone say seniors?) to prepare your book for competitions. CSPA, NSPA and your state and local organizations offer critiques as well as individual contests. Gathering entries now will save time when they are due at a later date.
5. Start working on next year’s book
Put staffers in groups to brainstorm and develop theme ideas for next year. Choosing that theme now will allow time to develop ideas over the summer so you can hit the ground running in the fall. 6. Create marketing materials for your book
You’ve made this beautiful book; now you need people to buy it! Utilize your theme to create posters, social media posts and commercials for your student news show. Pass out “You’re In the Book” Balfour stickies to non-buyers
7. Meet with next year’s staff
Plan a lunch get-together for the incoming staff. Play get-to-know-you activities and share information about summer workshops you are attending. You can even pass out business ad sales information so staffers can get a jump start on sales over the summer.
8. Go on a field trip
Treat your staff to a day out of school by visiting your local Apple Store for an iPhone photography workshop or visit your local media outlet (newspaper, magazine, television).9. Clean the classroom
You’ve probably been too busy to clear the clutter, and those after school snacks might still be in evidence around the room. Take a day to do some spring cleaning to spruce up your workspace.
10. Plan your distribution
Tune in later this month for steps to the perfect yearbook distribution in Balfour's Tuesday Tips.