If you’ve already made the impossible happen, it’s time to look at other possibilities. Focus your energy on building book excitement and selling additional copies.
1. Target campaigns to non-buyers, especially to featured students.
- Have staffers track everyone in the book who hasn’t bought one. Send “You’re in the book” notes to on-campus students with website info or an order form. If time permits, include how many times the student is in the book and on what pages.
- Use class time to call home. Parents hold the purse strings and are often delighted to know their son or daughter is included in the book.
- Create eMarketing campaigns and email to parents.

2. Create social media buzz
- Use our script to create a “Yearbook is NOT canceled” video.
- Make sneak peek videos to showcase on social media and in eMarketing campaigns.
- Utilize Canva to make eye-catching graphics and posters.
- Make faculty memes to promote yearbook sales. Or let staffers use their creativity in creating marketing memes.
- Share photos and spreads from the book. Tag featured students, faculty, clubs and sports to increase exposure.
- Showcase the cover in promotions on and off campus. Utilize social media influencers in your school to promote the cover and sales. If you don’t have a cover proof, use a mockup website to create a 3D version.
- Your principal is your best salesperson. To boost last-minute sales, have your top leader record a sales message and send it to parents. A message from a school authority resonates with parents.
- Host a launch party for key school personnel. They’ll get a sneak peek at the book and learn what it truly takes to put together a yearbook. You’ll build good will and support for the program, and ultimately create yearbook ambassadors who praise your work.
- Promote distribution information via school announcements, postcards, social media and eMarketing campaigns. Include Save the Date info and a countdown calendar in your promotions.
A beneficial side effect to the marketing focus is the continued engagement of your staff. You’ll keep them invested in the book they worked so hard to create. If motivation is a concern, try enticing students by turning the tasks into contests and offering fun, inexpensive prizes and accolades for the best work. And of course, an additional bonus is all the assignments can become grading opportunities.
Create a cool campaign? Let us know! Tag us on Twitter @BalfourYB or share it with your Balfour representative or account executive.