It’s all things YEARBOOK…and all things TEXAN

Balfour’s Intensity Workshop is a 3-day immersion training in all things YEARBOOK. Yearbook advisers, editors and staff are welcome to attend the workshop, which will be held Saturday, Sept. 26 –

How to create a totally awesome yearbook

Book bag. Check. √

Pen & Pencils. Check. √

Notebook. Check.

Balfour’s Intensity Workshop. Check. √

It’s a new school year. Be prepared.

Boy Scouts have known it since 1907: Be Prepared. “Prepared for what?” you may ask.

Anything and everything.

Why yearbook themes are a 'really big deal'

by H. L. Hall JEA 1995 Yearbook Adviser of the Year

It still makes me cringe. I cringed when the book came out. I still cringe when I think about it.

Your guide to a sold-out yearbook

It’s the ultimate goal and highest compliment – a yearbook ‘sell out.’ A Yearbook Sales Manager and simple marketing plan can make all the difference. Balfour is here to help with the promotion and

How to inspire creative genius

by Bruce Watterson, Public Relations and Communications Consultant (formerly Chair of the CSPA Judging Standards & Practices)

The life cycle of a yearbook inspires. It is both frantic and fun. In the

Whose business is it?

Oops. You’ve inherited a staff straight from the movie “Mean Girls.” Now, what? The yearbook classroom should be run like a business. Students are learning valuable life skills and job

Amp up your yearbook program with summer networking strategies

Many people think summer isn’t a good time for networking. They assume because people tend to go on vacations, attend more personal than school-related activities and focus on family and friends,

Countdown to summer


“It’s a wrap!” Wouldn’t it be nice to say some magic words and have everything come together at the end of the school year? Voila! The end.

Get Your Game On at Balfour’s Adviser Academy

Through interactive experiences that motivate and engage us, we learn not only the facts, but also the important, underlying hows and whys. Our new training program, Balfour Adviser Academy, offers

Yearbook: the ultimate summer camp

If you haven’t already, now is the time to plan to take your staff to a summer yearbook workshop. Attending training in the summer not only gives the students a jump start on the book, it also

What’s your role on the yearbook staff?

Whether your yearbook is spring, summer or fall delivery, soon you will begin thinking about next year’s staff (if you haven’t already).

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