Happy Adviser Appreciation Day
It’s your day – Yearbook Adviser Appreciation Day! On behalf of everyone here at Balfour, thank you for all you do for your school and students. Thank you for making a difference.
Guest Blog: Demo Days provide Minnesota staff with timely feedback, less deadline stress
Fromtime to time we feature guest columns from Balfour advisers. This guest post from Buffalo High School adviser Ryan McCallum ran in the fall issue of Elements, our biannual magazine. Ryan
School Spotlight: Classroom environment supports collaboration, communication, creativity
From time to time we feature Balfour advisers and schools. In this guest post, Landmark Christian School adviser Elizabeth Ervin shares how she turned the yearbook room into a creative and productive
Show gratitude through service
As we move into deadline mode, it’s important still to find time for staff bonding. Creating a yearbook is tough work and no one will stick around if it’s not fun. Volunteering is a one way to build
Prepare for NBYYD
Publicizing this special day begins with great promotional materials. Flip through the marketing catalog (it came in the fall production kit) or visit StudioBalfourto select
Guest Blog: How to survive and thrive at your school
From time to time we will feature guest columns from Balfour advisers. Here's our first guest post of 2018 from Foster High School adviser Danielle Bell. Danielle shares advice for new and seasoned
8 tips to jumpstart your yearbook
Whether you’ve been in school a few weeks or you’re just starting, it’s time to move into yearbook mode. The beginning of the year offers a chance to get organized, go over basics and make a plan for
Quick Guide: goal setting
There are a number of benefits of goal setting. First, it gives you and your staff a track to run on so it is clear where you have to go. By deciding what you want to do, you are forced to set
Yearbook Events and Workshops
Check the Balfour Yearbooks event calendar for a workshop near you.