We are pleased to announce the winners of this fall’s Great Shot Photo Contest. For the first time, entries were accepted in two categories: sports and school spirit. With more than 1,500 photos
New Launch Lab Officially Opens in Dallas Office
Staff members gathered for a Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Friday, Nov. 18 to officially open the doors to the new space. The work stations and meeting rooms came to life immediately as some employees
Maximize your index’s potential
The index is the first place students look because they want to see what pages they’re on. But if you wait until spring to run the index, you’re bound to have mistakes and missing information.
Copyright & online photos
With the click of a button, thousands of images are instantly available on the Internet. But is it legal or ethical to use them?
Copyright protects photos, stories andillustrations—including ones
Blended Coverage
Blended coverage provides an alternative way to cover academics, clubs and sports in a more balanced and realistic way. It’s also allows coverage of multiple groups in less space.
NBYYD: Gotta get a Yearbook!
National Buy Your Yearbook Day is the perfect time to focus specifically on yearbook sales. Schools across the country join together in a coordinated effort to build excitement about the book and
Say it like you mean it
Quotes are the heart of your stories and captions. But too often they’re bogged down with attribution in the wrong place. So, let’s set the record straight when it comes to he said/she said.
Get a great shot: Fall Great Shot Contest
From the triumph of the last-second win to the screaming frenzy of fans, the Friday Night Lights are the perfect backdrop to capture moments for our semi-annual Great Shot Photo Contest.
2016 Election Coverage
Why we Tell Stories
Are you missing the Olympics yet? One of the best aspects of the two-week sporting bonanza is the storytelling. NBC spends months researching, filming and editing features on the athletes.
Celebrate National Yearbook Week with us!
Join us for a fun week of contests celebrating National Yearbook Week. One lucky staff will take home a $50 gift card each day!