Fun with Fonts

One of the best ways to illustrate a yearbook’s theme is through the font choices. Whether you’re going for a fun, flirty look or an elegant, classic feel, the typography can emphasize, clarify and

Fall Sports Photo Tips

The game-winning touchdown. The kill that sends the team into a screaming frenzy. The forehand smash that makes it game, set, match. Being in the right place at the right time can make or break your

Picture Perfect Opportunity

With hundreds of students filing through one location in one day, Picture Day is the perfect opportunity to snag some extra coverage for the yearbook.

Just think — in one day, you could knock out

Create a Yearbook Mission Statement

A mission statement can unite the staff and set the stage for a successful year. It concisely explains why your group exists and guides your decisions, actions and responsibilities.

Organizing the Chaos

Being organized can make a huge difference with staying on deadline and keeping your sanity. Keep track of important documents and info by posting items around the room or filing in a binder.

The ties that bind: Get to know your staff

Say goodbye to summer and hello to yearbook! As we head back to the classroom, this is an opportune time to get to know each other and start bonding as a staff. Connect with these fun, simple

Form AND function: Tips for smart type selection

Robert Bringhurst, in “The Elements of Typographic Style,” wrote, “Typography exists to honor content.” Type selection helps create the personality of the book and directs the reader from one area of

Year-end: Clean Up, Clean Up

“Barney & Friends,” a PBS series which ran from 1992-2009, featured a purple anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus rex. You may remember his clean-up song: “Clean up clean up everybody everywhere. Clean up

Here’s why grid sales will help you sell more yearbook ads

Using a grid system, have your staff sell space in your advertising section rather than pieces of a page. This will make the time and effort of selling and designing your ads worthwhile. Because

The 5 R’s of theme development

Think theme. When was the last time you saw a reel of film? Most theaters use digital projectors and movies are distributed to them on magnetic hard drives. (Teachers gave up film decades ago.)

Yearbook staff add-ons: the YSM, the SMM and the Ghostbuster

Whether you organize your staff by sections (sports, student life, academics, etc.) or function (copy, design, photography), consider adding a few critical positions to your staff.

Four smart strategies for increasing yearbook sales

Lamar Middle School yearbook staff celebrates successful sales.

Ever wonder how some schools increase yearbook sales? Well, the secret’s out! We’ve asked for advice from our top-performing schools.

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