Amp up your yearbook distribution

The editor leans against the table faking nonchalance. The nervous energy in the room runs like electrical sparks to the staff members’ hands and feet making them twitch. Finally uncovered, the staff

You could win $500 in our photo contest!

Balfour’s Great Shot Photo Contest has begun! And this time the assignment is Emotion.

No matter where you are in the production process, photo skills need to continue to be improved and reinforced.

What now? Use end-of-the-year projects to motivate students

What’s that saying about idle hands? It’s not what you want to face the last quarter of the school year. When the book is done, keep the staff busy doing useful work. It’s time for underclassmen to

3 foolproof tips for promoting your distribution day event

It’s time to start planning and promoting your signing or distribution party now. As you plan your event, remember these three success factors: Creating ExcitementAlerting Parents and Offering

Got stage fright? Here’s how to get great performance photos

Here’s the assignment: photograph in total darkness, stop action and don’t use a flash. By the way, you may only have one chance to get the photos. Welcome to the world of high school stage

Balance yearbook coverage with ‘Me’ and ‘Us’ experiences

When people are alone they tend to think, contemplate and observe their surroundings. On the other hand, working as part of a team, whether in classrooms, or on stages and fields, students have a

Enter to win in the Great Shot Photo Contest

What separates a snapshot from a really great image? The story it captures. It’s without question: The more emotion a photo conveys, the bigger the story it has to tell. Whether it’s enthusiasm or

9 Balfour yearbooks earn Gold and Silver Crowns

Nine yearbooks published by Balfour earned Crown awards from Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA) this week. Seven yearbooks earned Silver Crown awards, with two books earning Gold Crowns

Way to go! Motivation via appreciation

It’s that time of the year. Inertia has set in and your students are stuck. (Metaphorically, the gas is no longer getting to the engine.) At this point, an adviser’s encouragement only goes so far.

Index: it’s more than names and numbers

The yearbook index. It’s where you go to count how many pages you’re on. Ideally, it is also an accurate and reader-friendly reference tool. Columns and columns of names, ads, sports, clubs, classes

Your principal is your yearbook’s best salesperson

Make sure your buyers realize when their last opportunity to buy a yearbook is approaching. You can do this by reminding parents with a voicemail from your school’s principal. A message from a school

Need money? TeamWorks works

Every successful organization does fundraising at one time or another. Whether it’s your own yearbook or another organization at your school, Balfour is here to help with a super-easy solution for

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