Only 12% of people who make resolutions achieve them. Group resolutions won’t fare much better if you don’t have a plan. To create a course of action, have staff members read the resolutions. Then
Custom Signage: Don’t keep your yearbook a secret
Balfour now offers signage customized specifically for your school or yearbook program. Start the new year off right by creating a buzz. Establish a yearbook presence at your school. Like street
Look! You’re in the Book!
It’s the biggest complaint of non-buyers. “Why should I buy? I’m not in the yearbook.” It’s your job to SHOW them they are included so they will WANT to buy. Here’s how you can expertly share
Creating high impact headlines
David Ogilvy, an advertising executive who was widely hailed as “The Father of Advertising, said, “On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have
Celebrate yearbook sales successes
Even though you’re still selling yearbooks, it’s important to celebrate successes. You might say how can I celebrate this early if we’re still selling. Celebrating each milestone is important. Why?
Baylor captures Triple Crown
Balfour congratulates Baylor University’s student media program for its outstanding achievement. When the Columbia Scholastic Press Association announced its most prestigious awards for collegiate
Why we tell stories in the yearbook
Scott Rensberger, a freelance visual story teller and award-winning international journalist, said, “I live by the saying, ‘A good story is everything.’ If you don’t have a great story, then
Why numbers are an important part of the yearbook
Universal, specific, adaptable, recognizable, factual, predictable, legitimate and multilingual. What could be this expansive? A Number. Count on it. Years after your graduation, numbers will tell