The marketing mantra

By Denise Adams, yearbook adviser B F Terry High School, Rosenberg, Texas

“We—think—we—can. We—think—we—can.” Attitude can make a seemingly impossible task possible. Want to sell more yearbooks? We

Turn unexpected events into opportunities

Throughout the country, schools are experiencing a record numbers of snow days. While this definitely impacts the yearbook staff’s ability to meet deadlines, how do these bad weather days affect the

How your principal can be a yearbook sales hero

Make sure your buyers realize when their last opportunity to buy a yearbook is approaching. You can do this by reminding parents with a voice mail from your school’s principal. A message from a

How to assign end-of-the-year projects

by Bernadette Cranmer, yearbook adviser Granite Bay High School, California

You finished the  last pages. There’s nothing left to do but correct proofs and plan distribution. Now what? How do you

5 tips for grabbing last minute yearbook buyers

As the school year marches on, it is more important than ever to grow your yearbook sales. Determining who hasn’t bought a yearbook and targeting those students will help you reach your sales goal.

We’re happy to see you

You explore a blog to find tips, expand knowledge, see trends or catch up. Balfour’s “Colophon” is true to its name because it is a source of vital information, like the colophon in a yearbook. In

Yearbook Index: more than just names & numbers

As a reference tool, readers go to the index to find content (people, sports, clubs, classes, etc.). But it can be more than a sea of type.

Think of the index as an opportunity to expand coverage and

Re-boot your yearbook program with a field trip

Traveling to a state or national journalism conference can change you, your staff, and your journalism program. Attending a convention makes your students aware of the possibilities and the

Not just a face in the crowd: group pic tips

Most people would rather work on their taxes than handle group and team pictures for the yearbook. It can be tedious. Group shots are an important historical reference. Below are 10 things to

Celebrate your love for yearbook

In elementary school, there was always a Valentine’s Day party. Each student decorated a shoe box and exchanged cards. Everyone left with a stack of friendly love notes and a lot of candy.

Pacemaker Finalists wow judges with high-quality photojournalism

Fifteen Balfour schools were selected as National Scholastic Press Association (NSPA) Yearbook Pacemaker and Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) Pacemaker finalists.

Your go-to social media guide

Tomball Memorial High School’s selfie campaign#TMHSSelfies

It’s now 2016 and there’s absolutely no reason why your yearbook should not be promoted on social media. If you and your staff are

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