“Barney & Friends,” a PBS series which ran from 1992-2009, featured a purple anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus rex. You may remember his clean-up song: “Clean up clean up everybody everywhere. Clean up
Way to go! Motivation via appreciation
It’s that time of the year. Inertia has set in and your students are stuck. (Metaphorically, the gas is no longer getting to the engine.) At this point, an adviser’s encouragement only goes so far.
Share the {yearbook} love
In elementary school, there was always a Valentine’s Day party. Each student decorated a shoe box and exchanged cards. Everyone left with a stack of friendly love notes and a lot of candy.
It’s 2016: So now what?
Only 12% of people who make resolutions achieve them. Group resolutions won’t fare much better if you don’t have a plan. To create a course of action, have staff members read the resolutions. Then
Yearbook Critiquing: Begin with the end in mind
Goals will help you break down yearbook production into bite-size pieces. Take a critical look at last year’s book. What would you like to improve or do differently? Survey students, including
It’s the “little things” that count
by Jack Kennedy Dow Jones Newspaper Fund 1993 Teacher of the Year
The difference between good reporting and great reporting lies in the “little things.”
Portfolios create opportunity for self-assessment
Grading students’ work for scholastic publications is a frequently shared challenge for new and experienced advisers alike. Portfolio assessments are a highly effective evaluation tool for journalism