Having trouble getting photos of Cross Country? Golf? Field trips? Physics projects?
Yearbook photographers can’t be everywhere so why not allow students or parents who are at sporting events,
Educational subject matter experts share their best advice, research, how-to's and insights - all in the name of helping you level-up your knowledge.
Having trouble getting photos of Cross Country? Golf? Field trips? Physics projects?
Yearbook photographers can’t be everywhere so why not allow students or parents who are at sporting events,
Goals will help you break down yearbook production into bite-size pieces. Take a critical look at last year’s book. What would you like to improve or do differently? Survey students, including
The difference between good reporting and great reporting lies in the “little things.”
Grading students’ work for scholastic publications is a frequently shared challenge for new and experienced advisers alike. Portfolio assessments are a highly effective evaluation tool for journalism
Balfour’s Intensity Workshop is a 3-day immersion training in all things YEARBOOK. Yearbook advisers, editors and staff are welcome to attend the workshop, which will be held Saturday, Sept. 26 –
Book bag. Check. √
Pen & Pencils. Check. √
Notebook. Check. √
Balfour’s Intensity Workshop. Check. √
Boy Scouts have known it since 1907: Be Prepared. “Prepared for what?” you may ask.
Anything and everything.
1. Is it recognizable? The theme is the brand for the school year. It is
It still makes me cringe. I cringed when the book came out. I still cringe when I think about it.
It’s the ultimate goal and highest compliment – a yearbook ‘sell out.’ A Yearbook Sales Manager and simple marketing plan can make all the difference. Balfour is here to help with the promotion and
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