Exploring Themes for Next Year

Selecting a theme is one of the hardest things a yearbook staff does. I mean, how exactly does one choose a theme for a year that hasn’t happened yet? A lot of it is an educated guess.

Let’s Make Next Year’s Book the Best One Yet!

Tuesday Tip: Select one thing to improve next year.

Time for Spring Cleaning

Planning the Perfect Distribution

You've Got It; Now Let's Flaunt It!

Tuesday Tip: Those gorgeous spreads and photos can help you sell books and Balfour can help.

Balfour’s Great Shot Photo Contest has Begun!

You Did It: Time to Celebrate!

Deadline Dilemmas: Ensuring a Smooth Yearbook Submission

Tip: You never really finish editing a yearbook. There’s always one more thing you could do, but the deadline is here, and at some point, you just have to stop editing and submit your book. You have

Boost Productivity Before the Deadline: The Art of the Post-It Party

When the final deadline is less than two weeks away, it’s time to prepare for a Post-It Party. Grab a pack of post-its, your favorite pen, and start editing pages. Every time you discover a need,

From Caps to Quotes: Crafting a Meaningful Graduation Feature

When the deadline is in March, but graduation is at the end of May, unleash your creative side.

The Ultimate Yearbook Tip Sheet: 5 Tips for Success in 5 Key Categories

Yearbook Advisers: Mastering the Art of Backup Plans

Every yearbook adviser needs a backup plan.

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