As part of a series for elementary school advisers, we’ll focus on topics that concern K-5 yearbooks.
The Essentials: Captions
As part of our series, “The Essentials,” today’s focus is captions, a critical component of coverage.
After headlines, captions are the most read copy in the yearbook. And yet, they tend to be a
From Advisers to Zero Hour: A to Z spreads wow audiences with maximum content, fun design
ABCs aren’t just for kindergarteners. Spreads with an alphabet hook provide 26 ways to maximize coverage in a powerful and creative presentation. We love A to Z spreads for their versatility, design
School Spotlight: Jump in and have a ball
From time to time we spotlight Balfour advisers and schools. In this guest post, Northern Highlands Regional High School adviser Doreen Albano shares how a unique marketing plan engaged the entire
On the copyright side of the law
While all it takes is a simple click to download a photo these days, it’s much more complicated to navigate copyright law. Can we run a photo from the Oscars? Surely, it’s okay to include photos from
Take a Time-out for a Little R&R
Bridgeland staffer Ella Barnes finds on a spot on the floor with the staff’s giant stuffed bear. Taking moments for rest and relaxation is instrumental and beneficial for staffers. Photo by Samantha
Happy Adviser Appreciation Day
It’s your day – Yearbook Adviser Appreciation Day! On behalf of everyone here at Balfour, thank you for all you do for your school and students. Thank you for making a difference.
How has being an adviser changed you?
The yearbook world can be a challenging and rewarding place. Twelve teachers share how taking on the advising role has changed and shaped them. This post originally ran in the 2018 fall issue of
The Essentials: Table of Contents
As part of our series, “The Essentials,” we’ll discuss the required elements of yearbook. Today, we’ll focus on the table of contents.
Guest Blog: Demo Days provide Minnesota staff with timely feedback, less deadline stress
Fromtime to time we feature guest columns from Balfour advisers. This guest post from Buffalo High School adviser Ryan McCallum ran in the fall issue of Elements, our biannual magazine. Ryan
Interview like a pro
"It was fun.” “We gave 110 percent.” “We’re like a family.”
Generic, cliché answers make us groan too. Remedying this banality takes a little practice and effort. We have four tips for moving your