Congratulations to our Great Shot winners!

We are excited to announce the winners of our Spring 2018 Great Shot Photo Contest. This year's contest included the categories Colors and Performances as well as a K-8 category. Honorable mentions

A book about the book: Staff manuals

As the year winds down, now is the perfect time to tackle the to-do list that was put on the back burner during deadlines. A high priority on that list is a staff manual

Thankful Thoughts: Show appreciation to supporters

Being thankful isn’t just for the Thanksgiving holiday. Whether you’re finished with the book or in the midst of deadlines for summer and fall deliveries, spring is an ideal time to show gratitude to

Let's plan a great 2019 yearbook

Oh, how time flies. May will be here soon, and June is on the horizon. But before those creative minds and able bodies scatter to the summer winds, gather the staff to brainstorm for 2019. With your

A great yearbook means taking great shots

It’s your turn to take center stage. Our semi-annual photo contest features two brand-new categories: colors and performances. Not only can you showcase your best photos, you can celebrate with prize

Show some love to the small clubs

Oh, little clubs, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. If you’re not feeling the love for small, niche groups, you’re missing out on a beautiful relationship. You can afford to give smaller

That’ll do, comma. Punctuation provides clarity and meaning

Commas shouldn’t be a matter of life or death. But grammar geeks like to joke they save lives. Consider these punctuation death sentences:

“Panda eats, shoots and leaves.”

Five unique adventures this Spring Break

The workload is piling up, study sessions are becoming more frequent and days are creeping closer to a much-needed break.  That's right; It's spring break season which means it's time to plan a trip.

Pack a punch with powerful headlines

As the most significant verbal aspect of the design, headlines have a powerful impact on the look and feel of a yearbook spread. They provide a starting point for the reader, set the tone for the

The details behind the details: your work, supporters and the tools

We always think about classes, clubs, events and sports to cover. But what about the details behind that coverage? Do you acknowledge the hard work your staffers put in? Or the people who support

Run, run, run the index

The toughest question of the year that can make even veteran yearbook advisers wince – have you run the index? Whether you have a fall or spring delivery book, it’s time to stop running from the

Eight ways to avoid missing deadlines

Whether you’re racing to the finish line or in the thick of it, deadlines can stress out the staff. For spring books, the coming days are imperative. Finish your book or miss delivery day. For fall

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