Design a cover your school will love

We know the saying well: Don’t judge a book by its cover. But when it comes to the yearbook, we aspire to create a great looking cover that captures the essence of the year while piquing the interest

Get a great shot, get some cash!

There’s a great thrill in capturing an unexpected fumble or a pick-six on Friday night. Seeing a defensive block with the volleyball in the frame and the player in focus is a win. Snapping the

Design like a diva: mix and match your layouts

One of the most fun things about yearbook is coming up with the look of the book. Nowhere is that more apparent than on the pages. So, as you grab the mouse, let’s think creatively about the layouts

Five steps to improve your writing

It’s the least looked at element on the page. But it’s probably the most important. One of the primary functions of a yearbook is to tell the story of the year. To do that, we have to gather

NBYYD 2017: And the winners are…

Another successful National Buy Your Yearbook Day has come and gone, and we are excited to announce our 2017 winners! We were inspired and impressed by the extent to which your staffs are promoting

5 states in 5 days: Celebrating yearbook from coast-to-coast

When our marketing team realized 2017 marks the thirtieth anniversary of National Yearbook Week, we knew we had to do something big. Unlike other national days meant to celebrate foods or silly hats,

National Buy Your Yearbook Day: Here are the contests!

It’s almost here! National Buy Your Yearbook Day (NBYYD) is Wednesday, October 25th.

We created this day to designate a special time of the school year to focus specifically on yearbook sales and to

How to handle missing student portraits when designing class pages

Once school picture day has come and gone, many yearbook staffs are busy considering how to display all those smiling faces. A common question we get is, “How do I handle students who did not sit for

Widening the gap: How increasing external margins has a big impact

External margins are the areas of white space that frame the spread. The margins are there to keep staffs from designing elements too close to the edge of the page. But the default settings are very

Turn your fans into photographers with ImageShare

When the bulk of a yearbook is photography, it can be stressful ensuring every event is covered. And that stress can be exacerbated when it turns out photos are blurry or poor quality. Having another

Get ready for 2017 National Buy Your Yearbook Day

The first week of October was National Yearbook Week, a tradition started back in the '80s when Ronald Reagan was president. But National Buy Your Yearbook Day is a Balfour tradition and one of our

Simplify your year with Balfour’s Adviser Guide

Advising a yearbook takes skills…a lot of them. While creativity and photography skills matter, being business savvy and managing your time are arguably just as important. It’s a tough job, and that

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