Balfour Wins Best In Category Award for 2017

Balfour and 11 of their yearbook customers are recipients of 2017 Premier Print Awards from the Printing Industries of America. The 2017 Bluestone, the yearbook of James Madison University, received

Participate in the largest yearbook sale ever, NBYYD!

National Buy Your Yearbook Day is the perfect time to focus specifically on yearbook sales. Schools across the country join together in a coordinated effort to build excitement about the book and

Balfour Announces Winners of $5,000 in Scholarships

Balfour’s American Samaritan Award winners, Sarah Jennings of Harrisonburg High School (Harrisonburg, VA) and Sanna Apolskis of Tomball Memorial High School (Tomball, TX) are presented with their

Submit your book for contests and critiques

And you thought you were done with deadlines for the year. But this is one deadline worth meeting.Submitting your current book for contests and critiques has a number of benefits. Even if you're not

Prep for Yearbook Summer Camp

Think. Bond. Create. One of the best ways to jump-start next year’s book is to attend a summer workshop. Here are three reasons to sign up:

Balfour and 610 Project partner to provide yearbooks for students in Haiti

It began with a conversation between friends, as any story worth telling and retelling does.

It was the beginning of the Ecole Shalom yearbook project at the Haitian American Caucus in Croix Des

Thank a Teacher!

Thank you for everything you do as a teacher. In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week, we offer inspirational messages about the importance of education.

Amp up distribution

There's nothing like a stack of yearbook boxes to bring a staff to a shrieking frenzy. Take that excitement and pass it on. Here are some helpful suggestions:

Get a great shot in the Spring 2017 Great Shot Photo Contest

Don’t get all emotional, the Great Shot Photo Contest is finally back. Actually, do get all emotional. It’s one of our categories!

We loved offering two categories in the fall so we’re doing it

Hang in there: three tips to avoid stressing out

Halfway through March, you're submitting final pages or hitting your stride for summer and fall deliveries. Either way, you need a well-deserved break. Sometimes, the easiest way to make it through

Proofreading preferences

Proofreading is a second chance to examine text for typographical errors. But it’s easy to skim past mistakes in grammar or spellling – ahem, spelling.

CSPA Names 2017 College Gold Circle Award Winners

Columbia Scholastic Press recently announced its 2017 Gold Circle Awards for college yearbooks. Gold Circle Awards, presented by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, recognize superior work by

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