5 places to find instant inspiration

When looking for design inspiration online, most students go to Pinterest and that’s all. For fresh designs to pin to your yearbook staff’s board, explore sites* where designers hang out.

Effortlessly obtain more photos for the yearbook

Having trouble getting photos of Cross Country? Golf? Field trips? Physics projects?

Yearbook photographers can’t be everywhere so why not allow students or parents who are at sporting events,

Everything you need to know about National Buy Your Yearbook Day

National Buy Your Yearbook Day (NBYYD) was created to designate a special time of the school year to focus specifically on yearbook sales. Schools across the country join together in a coordinated

Yearbook Critiquing: Begin with the end in mind

Goals will help you break down yearbook production into bite-size pieces. Take a critical look at last year’s book. What would you like to improve or do differently? Survey students, including

It’s the “little things” that count

by Jack Kennedy Dow Jones Newspaper Fund 1993 Teacher of the Year

The difference between good reporting and great reporting lies in the “little things.”

Portfolios create opportunity for self-assessment

Grading students’ work for scholastic publications is a frequently shared challenge for new and experienced advisers alike. Portfolio assessments are a highly effective evaluation tool for journalism

It’s all things YEARBOOK…and all things TEXAN

Balfour’s Intensity Workshop is a 3-day immersion training in all things YEARBOOK. Yearbook advisers, editors and staff are welcome to attend the workshop, which will be held Saturday, Sept. 26 –

Don’t keep secrets: use your yearbook theme on everything!

Clint Small Middle School, Austin, Texas

Incorporate your yearbook theme in your sales campaign. Yes, that’s right. Don’t keep your theme a secret! Using your theme in words, graphics and colors

How to create a totally awesome yearbook

Book bag. Check. √

Pen & Pencils. Check. √

Notebook. Check.

Balfour’s Intensity Workshop. Check. √

It’s a new school year. Be prepared.

Boy Scouts have known it since 1907: Be Prepared. “Prepared for what?” you may ask.

Anything and everything.

Evaluate your yearbook theme in 5 easy steps

Before your staff launches into this year’s production, use the 5 Rs of Theme Development to evaluate your choice.

1. Is it recognizable? The theme is the brand for the school year. It is

Why yearbook themes are a 'really big deal'

by H. L. Hall JEA 1995 Yearbook Adviser of the Year

It still makes me cringe. I cringed when the book came out. I still cringe when I think about it.

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