Feature different modules for more storytelling opportunities

Modular design has become a compelling choice for yearbook layouts. Utilizing modules can reap huge benefits: more organized coverage, varied storytelling opportunities and additional photos and

Wow with winter wonderland spreads

Unexpected snow and Christmas lights. Pumpkin spice lattes and holiday getaways. Chilly weather and winter breaks are the perfect excuses for seasonal coverage. Bring on the winter wonderland spreads!

More to the game: sports alternative copy

Sports coverage shouldn’t be terrible. But often our unfamiliarity with sports terminology or the season’s outcome results in vague or fluff-filled stories. Worse, sometimes the story is omitted

About the mistakes…

Distribution day is the best and worst day of the year. You’re so proud of the beautiful book your staff worked so hard to create. And then someone points out a mistake. And another one. And then

The long and short of it: hyphens and dashes

Colons can be confusing. It’s easy to go overboard with commas or parentheses. But dashes—those beautiful, thin lines that suggest a subtle pause or an abrupt change in thought—can be a smart

InstaAppeal: promote yearbook by building social media presence

A strong social media presence—it’s the newest “must have” in the media world, including student media. While yearbook advisers and staffs may be well-versed in the realm of print, going social may

The Essentials: Captions

As part of our series, “The Essentials,” today’s focus is captions, a critical component of coverage.

After headlines, captions are the most read copy in the yearbook. And yet, they tend to be a

On the copyright side of the law

While all it takes is a simple click to download a photo these days, it’s much more complicated to navigate copyright law. Can we run a photo from the Oscars? Surely, it’s okay to include photos from

Interview like a pro

"It  was fun.”  “We gave 110 percent.” “We’re like a family.”

Generic, cliché answers make us groan too. Remedying this banality takes a little practice and effort. We have four tips for moving your

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