by Mark Murray
Mark Murray is Director of Technical Services and Systems Integration at Arlington ISD in Texas.
In addition to controlling shutter speed and aperture on a camera, it is important for
Educational subject matter experts share their best advice, research, how-to's and insights - all in the name of helping you level-up your knowledge.
by Mark Murray
Mark Murray is Director of Technical Services and Systems Integration at Arlington ISD in Texas.
In addition to controlling shutter speed and aperture on a camera, it is important for
by Christine Seymour
Christine Seymour is the yearbook adviser at Helena High School in Montana.
With seven months, 272 pages, five deadlines, 17 staff members, and two programs to learn, there is
In December, close the year with a thank you to yearbook staff. After all, they are the reason you have an awesome product to sell. Encourage sales progress with a team party.
Three Balfour yearbooks received student journalism’s highest honor, the Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award, at the National College Media Convention in Philadelphia.
Balfour yearbooks ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd in Best of Show at the ACP/CMA Fall National College Media Convention in Philadelphia. Yearbooks competing in the ACP Best of Show are judged by
Eight Balfour yearbooks won in the Best of Show competition at the JEA/NSPA Fall National High School Journalism Convention in Washington, D.C.
Balfour representatives, Brynda Everman and Clif Palmberg, were awarded Certified Journalism Educator (CJE) designations from the Journalism Education Association (JEA) at their national conference
By Randy Elliott
Randy Elliott is the West Coast regional vice president for Balfour Yearbooks.
Who says that the cheerleaders and football teams are the only folks that can have a booster club?
Do you hear something? Listen closely. Hearing lacks intention; it is passive. Listening, on the other hand, is conscious and active. If you listen, you will hear students saying the most incredible
The holiday season is the perfect time to show your gratitude. And, saying “thank you” can go a long way in sales. Think of a retailer who offers a loyalty program such as cash-back rewards, airline
Your ladder includes Homecoming, the fall play, football, newspaper, English classes. (Pssst! So did last year’s ladder.) Are you doing the same book with a different cover?
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