White space: It's nothing

It is not what your readers are looking for. In fact, they are probably unaware of it. Nonetheless, white space is an important element of design. It directs readers to content on the spread: photos,

Wrap up yearbook sales with a calling campaign

The best yearbook is a sold-out yearbook. If you still have copies available for sale, here’s a highly-effective strategy to finish your sales on a high note. It’s easy to do and will yield results

Colophon – Let’s be clear

Colophon (ˈkäləfən,-ˌfän) Still can’t pronounce it? That’s OK. Click here, then click on the speaker. More important, what is a colophon and what does it do?

Extend coverage with a year-in-review insert

As the end of the 2015-16 school year draws near, your yearbook staff may have already considered covering historical news and events that occurred this year. However, you may not have the time or

Share the {yearbook} love

In elementary school, there was always a Valentine’s Day party. Each student decorated a shoe box and exchanged cards. Everyone left with a stack of friendly love notes and a lot of candy.

Nobody’s perfect: 12 editing & proofreading tips

Every trade and profession has guidelines that can be stated in bumper sticker-like clarity.

Accounting:  Debits on the left, credits on the right.Mechanics:  Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey.Landscaping:

Connect with us: Learn and have fun with social media

Our social media channels are targeted specifically for yearbook advisers and staffs. If you have an interest in yearbook education, coverage & design or photography, Balfour Yearbooks’ social media

Ultimate Guide: 13-day social media marketing campaign

If you and your staff are super-busy creating the yearbook and don’t have time to brainstorm a social media campaign, no worries! We’ve created a 13-day marketing promotion just for you. Add your own

7 solutions for group photo day

Group photo day doesn’t need to resemble a mosh pit at a Metallica concert. To avoid constant chaos and faculty complaints, have a plan. Read our seven solutions here:

Quill and Scroll recognizes the best in yearbook publishing

Quill and Scroll announced the winners of its 2015 Yearbook Excellence Contest recognizing the best in high school yearbook publishing. Students from several Balfour schools received awards for their

Don’t trip over missed sales

When you spend so much time and effort to create your book, you want to make sure as many students as possible have one.

In January contact students and/or parents of students who haven’t purchased a

So, what’s the problem?

Why didn’t you buy a yearbook?

What’s with the non-buyers? Be ready to address their objections. Zig Ziglar says, “Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no desire, no hurry, no

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