Environmental portraits capture a person in their surroundings.
Kel Lemons
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The “elements” of sharing
Need help with something? Just ask an expert: “How’d you do that?”
Sharing best practices is a time-honored tradition among yearbook advisers. The spring edition of elements magazine answers
10 steps to an awesome distribution day party
With a little planning on your part, you can organize a yearbook distribution day party for fun – and profit! Whether your book delivers in the spring, summer, or fall, the distribution party is a
7 superb ways to sell next year’s yearbook NOW!
Lancaster High School yearbook staff
Yearbook adviser Colleen Wenger at Lancaster High School in Ohio recommends these 7 steps to presale next year’s yearbooks during your spring distribution party.
Put the YEA! in yearbook
Producing a yearbook is the largest group project in the school and it often seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. This is especially true for the yearbook staff. Everyone has one
Studio Works: stay-at-home solution
by Bernadine Judson, yearbook adviser Etiwanda High School, California
Juggling the demands of teaching, advising and parenting is daunting. What to do? Wave your magic wand. Voila! StudioWorks,
Cooperative, collaborative classroom
by Lauren O’Connor, yearbook adviser Norcross High School, Georgia
We are a democratic staff. Of course, we have editors who make some important decisions, but most things are decided by the class
Create an environment for success
by Holly Hartman, yearbook adviserMemorial High School, Houston, Texas
Good. Better. Best. It is a process. Discover what it takes to be the best.
Yearbooks, by the students & for the students
by Amanda Cardoza, yearbook adviser Douglas MacArthur High School, San Antonio, Texas
In 1999 I was the co-editor-in-chief of my high school yearbook. My adviser, Charles Murray, set the best example