Balfour’s Great Shot Photo Contest has begun! And this time the assignments are Sports: Freeze the Action or Expressions.
No matter where you are in the production process, photo skills need to
Educational subject matter experts share their best advice, research, how-to's and insights - all in the name of helping you level-up your knowledge.
The spring edition of the Great Shot Photo Contest. We have two brand new assignments for you—Expressions and Sports: Freeze the Action. Let’s get snapping!
Share your best “Expression” or “Sports:
We tell students all the time, “Make your fonts look like the message you want to convey.” Choosing the right font takes the verbal visual connection to the next level.
You’ve finished that final stretch and rocked your final deadline. All the pages have been submitted, and there are a few weeks until distribution and the end of school. What do you do with all of
Colophon (ˈkäləfən,-ˌfän) Still can’t pronounce it? That’s OK. Click here, then click on the speaker. More important, what is a colophon and what does it do?
To transition from poorly lit gymnasiums to sunny outdoor venues, turn down your ISO and crank up your shutter speed. Student photographers will often set their cameras in full automatic mode or in a
The Columbia Scholastic Press Association announced their Gold and Silver Crown yearbook winners Friday, March 17.
Spring Break! Time to sit on the beach, book in hand, and soak up the sun. Not so fast. For yearbook advisers, Spring Break is either your deadline or a to-the-finish line panic attack.
As the most significant verbal aspect of the design, headlines have a powerful impact on the look and feel of a yearbook spread. They provide a starting point for the reader, set the tone for the
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