Thank you, Teachers!

During Teacher Appreciation Week, your friends at Balfour want you to know how valued and appreciated you are, so we put together this quick video.

NSPA names seven Balfour schools 2020 Pacemaker Winners

Congratulations to seven Balfour schools for being named 2020 Pacemaker Winners Saturday by the National Scholastic Press Association. NSPA announced the 28 winners at a virtual awards ceremony April

Snap to it! Get ready to enter our spring Great Shot Photo contest

Grab your cameras and cell phones! It’s just about time to enter our semiannual photography contest. Creativity is a must with two brand new categories: “A Twist on Tradition” and “Textures.”

Rock Canyon and Episcopal School of Dallas win CSPA Gold Crowns

Two Balfour schools received 2021 Gold Crowns from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Friday, March 19, 2021. Four high school yearbooks won Silver Crowns.For the second consecutive year, CSPA

NSPA names nine Balfour schools 2020 Pacemaker Finalists

Congratulations to nine Balfour schools for being named 2020 Pacemaker Finalists Thursday by the National Scholastic Press Association.

California school splits yearbook into quarterly volumes

At Harvard-Westlake, the yearbook is already out. Or at least 25 percent of it is. In an effort to share positive and timely news, the staff decided to print the book in four volumes.

Happy Yearbook Adviser Appreciation Day!

Yearbook advising: Equal parts hard work, creativity, organization and relationship management. Insert a global pandemic into the mix, and the best-laid plans are out the window.

Ready to serve: completed yearbook spreads, content available for staffs

There’s a reason we love room service, restaurant dining and fast food drive-thrus. All the cooking is done for us! During this challenging year, we know you’ve struggled finding all the ingredients

What’s your yearbook resolution?

In honor of 2021, we asked advisers about New Year’s resolutions—their yearbook ones. Responses came from the Balfour Advisers Facebook group and are included here as part of the Going the Distance

Congratulations to our Fall 2020 Great Shot Photo Winners!

We are excited to announce the winners of the Fall 2020 edition of Balfour’s Great Shot Photo Contest. Though many of you are distancing (both socially and learning-wise), your creativity and talent

CSPA names seven Balfour schools 2021 Crown Finalists

Seven schools were named 2021 Crown Finalists by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association recently. Throughout the first week of December, CSPA announced the finalists in print, digital and hybrid

Yearbook staffers earn national recognition as NSPA 2020 Individual Award Winners

Seven Balfour schools received national awards in 10 categories for the National Scholastic Press Association’s 2020 Individual Awards.

NSPA announced the winners during a virtual awards ceremony for

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