Done? Focus your energy on marketing and last-minute sales

If you’ve already made the impossible happen, it’s time to look at other possibilities. Focus your energy on building book excitement and selling additional copies.

NSPA names seven Balfour schools 2020 Pacemaker Winners

Congratulations to seven Balfour schools for being named 2020 Pacemaker Winners Saturday by the National Scholastic Press Association. NSPA announced the 28 winners at a virtual awards ceremony April

Snap to it! Get ready to enter our spring Great Shot Photo contest

Grab your cameras and cell phones! It’s just about time to enter our semiannual photography contest. Creativity is a must with two brand new categories: “A Twist on Tradition” and “Textures.”

‘It always seems impossible until it’s done’

Nelson Mandela’s famous quote resonates as advisers struggle with what seems like an impossible task—finishing the yearbook. While the pandemic has amplified that struggle, we know you can find the

Entice potential staffers to join yearbook

No one wants a year as difficult as this one again. Tackle part of the challenge by recruiting new students for the journalism program and the yearbook staff.

Rock Canyon and Episcopal School of Dallas win CSPA Gold Crowns

Two Balfour schools received 2021 Gold Crowns from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Friday, March 19, 2021. Four high school yearbooks won Silver Crowns.For the second consecutive year, CSPA

Coverage in 2021: Last-minute ideas to fill pages

Kudos to everyone who has hit the submit button. For the rest of us, here are 12 more ideas to fill blank pages. Whether you’re scrambling to meet your final spring deadline or chugging along for

NSPA names nine Balfour schools 2020 Pacemaker Finalists

Congratulations to nine Balfour schools for being named 2020 Pacemaker Finalists Thursday by the National Scholastic Press Association.

Coverage in 2021: Sports ideas

A year ago, schools extended spring breaks and canceled sports seasons. This March, we’re back on the field, but it’s not quite the same. Here are ideas for sports coverage in a challenging year.

New spreads added to Ready-to-Go Collection

Dinner is served. We’re excited to share more delicious news. We’ve created additional spreads for you. They’re all ready to go!

Five ways to get your Balfour tech questions answered

As your yearbook staff is hitting its stride, finishing pages and checking them off your ladder diagram (best feeling ever!), the last thing we want is a tech question slowing you down. 

California school splits yearbook into quarterly volumes

At Harvard-Westlake, the yearbook is already out. Or at least 25 percent of it is. In an effort to share positive and timely news, the staff decided to print the book in four volumes.

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