If you enjoyed Memorial Day, you’re definitely ready for the lazy days of summer. While some schools have already wrapped for the year, we wanted to round up three last-minute things to do.
Teamwork is key for middle schools journalists
As a middle school adviser, Rachel Basden guides her staffers to “learn, live and breathe” leadership from day one. Here’s how she empowers students to become successful yearbook leaders.Empowering
Balfour + Tribute = Free Virtual Yearbook Signing
With yearbook delivery season is upon us, we’re excited to partner with our friends at Tribute to bring yearbook buyers everywhere a free virtual yearbook signature page! In a year like no other,
Six tips for distribution day success
You’ve gotten the word out, you have the books. Now, you need an orderly way to hand them out. Here are a few tips seasoned advisers use to make the process efficient and easy.
Key strategies to prepare for distribution
Finally. The book is done and the presses are running. While you’re patiently waiting for its arrival, take strategic steps to prepare for the big day.
Thank you, Teachers!
During Teacher Appreciation Week, your friends at Balfour want you to know how valued and appreciated you are, so we put together this quick video.
There will always be a yearbook.
Like most advisers, Shawnee Mission South’s Tucker Love was a little unsure how the book would happen. But as the year continued, he watched his staffers step up and deftly navigate the challenges.
Understanding Photography: Types of shots
Overall. Medium. Detail. These three types of shots provide viewers with a better understanding of the scene and tell more of the story. Part of our “Understanding Photography” series, this post is
Now what? Three projects to keep staffs engaged
Are you all done with nothing to do? Post-yearbook, here are three projects to keep your staff engaged and on task.
If you finished your yearbook, we hope you took a week off to celebrate, relax and